Skateboarder Brian Martin passed today. In fact, I received the sad news from skateboarder Steve Wright
I used to skate with Brian at Skatopia skatepark. Those were some great times. The Skatopia locals were like a family. We skated, sometimes ate next door at Mcdonalds together, and bitched at each other every chance we got. We were a big family and Brian was a part of it,

Brian Martin was one of those skaters who could almost force a new trick to happen. When very few were doing kick flip rock n rolls Brian was landing them. At the end of many sessions, Brian would give me a ride home in his red white, and blue Ford Bronco. After dropping me off he would go to his Nana’s house. Ultimately, in a few short years, that skatepark-chapter of skateboarding was over.

Years later I recalled Brian worked at Ford Aerospace. It occurred to me that my aunt Grace worked at the same place. I saw my aunt one day and asked if she knew Brian? At first, she didn’t remember him. And moments later she did remember Brian Martin. She said he was a real nice guy. And every Valentine’s Day he would give flowers to all of the ladies in the department.

So on this day when I hear Skateboarder Brian Martin passed. I think of skateboarding, kindness and his Nana’s kind voice.