Skatepark Music Dale Arden “Homocide” by 999 photo and cyanotype Ken HadaSkatopia Kelly Bellmar The Tube “White Punks On Dope”
Skatepark Playlist Skatopia 1977. Dale Arden was skateboarding the Skatopia skatepark capsule bowl and I was shooting this picture (with my Nikon) and “Homocide” by 999 was playing over the parks P.A. Can you hear the song playing over the P.A. of your skatepark? A cyanotype print.
Skatopia Skatepark Little Snake Run. This is where I spent my youth. And yes that is a waterfall. Yes, T-bone’s only goal is to launch himself as high as he can (for my picture). And yes that’s Pizza Tape. And yes Vic Peloquin is Willy Wonka.
Skateboarder Brian Martin passed today. In fact, I received the sad news from skateboarder Steve Wright
I used to skate with Brian at Skatopia skatepark. Those were some great times. The Skatopia locals were like a family. We skated, sometimes ate next door at Mcdonalds together, and bitched at each other every chance we got. We were a big family and Brian was a part of it,
Skateboarder Brian Martin Skatopia Capsule
Brian Martin was one of those skaters who could almost force a new trick to happen. When very few were doing kick flip rock n rolls Brian was landing them. At the end of many sessions, Brian would give me a ride home in his red white, and blue Ford Bronco. After dropping me off he would go to his Nana’s house. Ultimately, in a few short years, that skatepark-chapter of skateboarding was over.
Kelly Bellmar Brian Martin second Skatopia reunion
Years later I recalled Brian worked at Ford Aerospace. It occurred to me that my aunt Grace worked at the same place. I saw my aunt one day and asked if she knew Brian? At first, she didn’t remember him. And moments later she did remember Brian Martin. She said he was a real nice guy. And every Valentine’s Day he would give flowers to all of the ladies in the department.
Brian Martin OG Jam Series The Cove Santa Monica
So on this day when I hear Skateboarder Brian Martin passed. I think of skateboarding, kindness and his Nana’s kind voice.