Joe Wood, legendary guitarist/songwriter.

Joe Wood podcast
Joe Wood podcast

Many people know Joe Wood from his days as frontman of the infamous punk rock band TSOL. In fact, I met Joe at Skatopia skatepark back in 1978. He ruled the pool at Skatopia skatepark along with Arab, Scotty, and Perry. It was truly locals only.

One of my first questions for Joe was “what have you been doing since 1978?”. Joe gave me his answer in the true all or nothing punk rock rocker/artist style. And so this podcast covers the days of giving Ray Bones a ride to Pipeline. And all of the rest from original punk rock daily to today.

Listen to the podcast for yourself on or wherever podcasts are played.

And if you are into all things Skatopia be sure to check out Toby Woller podcast

assorted Joe Wood pictures from the Skatopia website archive

2019 Venice Ladies Jam

Venice Ladies Jam 2019
2019 Venice Ladies Jam

The 2019 Venice Ladies Jam is a yearly skate event put on by people from the OG Jam series. Heidi Lemmon and Jeff Greenwood are always on hand to keep the event running smoothly. I always see Jim Gray, Cindy Whitehead and Ian Logan at this yearly jam. One can only imagine how much work it takes to put this skateboarding event. And you have to admire people who put on these smaller events.Because they seem to really love skateboarding.

This is a skateboarding contest. With divisions from teens skaters to 60-year-old. And what contest would be complete without celebrity judges. Lonnie Hiramoto was on hand as one of the judges, and to keep the stoke going for each and every skater. And our own Amy Pike Bradshaw attends this event every year.

And every year this event grows larger and larger. Every year more and more female staters attend the event. Which is a positive thing for the growth of women’s skateboarding.

In the end, the mark of a good skate event is overhearing people say “I can’t wait till next year”. At the close of this wonderful skateboarding event that sentiment was spoken by many.

Fabiana Delfino and Amy Ram

Caruthers skateboard Park

Fabiana Delfino and Amy Ram
Fabiana Delfino Belvedere Skateboard Park
Fabiana Delfino and Amy Ram
Amy Ram Belvedere Skatepark

Fabiana Delfino and Amy Ram are rad skateboarders. First off my kids and I were having a skatepark tour on Martin Luther King Day. And our second stop was Belvedere skateboard Park located in East LA. To our surprise the skatepark was pretty empty. And so we are having a fun session in the flow of Belvedere. Soon after two skaters roll into the park. And as I watched their first runs I was amazed by their board control. I mean this skateboarding was not your typical Belvedere level. So it turns out to be Fabiano Delfino and Amy Ram.

If you ever get the chance to watch Fabiana Delfino and Amy Ram in person you will trip on their skills. In fact Fabiano Delfino has this intense power and presicion about her skating. Sort of reminded me of a velociraptor. And Amy Ram’s skateboarding has this gnarly factor.

Lizzie Armanto skateboarding Montclair

Lizzie Armanto skateboarding Montclair skateboard park photo Ken Hada
Lizzie Armanto skateboarding Montclair photo Ken Hada

On February 20th 2012 I took some pictures of Lizzie Armanto skateboarding Montclair skatepark. Before on this day we had some breakfast at a place called Flake in Venice California. Afterward we probably drove to Montclair Skatepark. And after the skate/ photo session in Montclair I probably dropped her off at the Combi in Orange California.

Back in 2012 Lizzie Armanto and I would sometimes hit up to 3 skate spots in a day. And probably stopped at at least one tea place along the way. More importantly this was a great time for me to work on my skateboard photography technique. Above all it was just a fun time to hang out with Lizzie.

Here is another photograph I published many years ago from the same session.

Skate With My Children

“Skate With My Children” a pre determined destination for skaters with kids

When my children were very young a skate friend of mine told me that I would eventually skate with my children. Well I had a hard time envisioning this since they were only babies at the time. Now that they are in and near their teens I discovered that skateboarding with your kids is one of the greatest things a skateboarder can do. And I value every session with my skater kids. Lately they have been enjoying skateboarding so much they are creating skate sessions with their friends. Further dad is not invited! So you can see why I value these moments with my children. Lastly when you skate with your kids they get better than you real quick!

Skate With My Children My son Apollo his friend Dylan and my daughter Kate at a skateboard park
My son Apollo his friend Dylan and my daughter Kate